The seminar this year in Germany is the second part to last years
and will conclude the subject matter. The first session will recapitulate last
years seminar (part one) and second, third and forth sessions will complete the
learning objectives (part two).
Overall, this karate seminar will be very unique: in that
the knowledge being handed on will be extremely useful for the immediate and
long term karate advancement of the participants.
The themes will be as follows:
(1) Level-up on JIMEN KARA NO CHIKARA (ground power) and JURYOKU (gravity);
(2) Advanced use of
snap through a higher level JUNANSEI utilisation combined with KOSHI NO KAITEN (rotation of the hips) and TAI NO SHINSHUKU (the compression and expansion/stretching of the body);
(3) Correct martial
arts application for actual self defence: pre WW2 KARATE NO OYO-JUTSU (effective application of karate);
(4) The teaching of a KOTEN-GATA (old kata - from outside of the standard 26 formal exercises); moreover, properly taught (not ‘shotokanized’) to recap and enhance learning
points one, two and three;
(5) And, lastly, the general
theme: ‘Essential points for karate as bujutsu’—that is, the means to practise
and preserve martial arts karate—for future generations.
Overall, as said last year, it is going to be my most
important seminar to date—for transmission of a high level of knowledge; furthermore, and obviously, 'a VERY-VERY big step up' from last year. This seminar will be extremely beneficial for all who attend and will set a new international standard. Osu!!
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