Saturday 7 July 2018

Halle GERMANY SEMINAR 2018 (Part II)

Last week I was in Halle/Westphalia, Germany, to conduct an international Budo Karate Seminar.
Irrespective of some intentionally trying to undermine this event it was attended by over 200 karateka from across Europe. Besides practitioners from Westfalen and all over Germany, some travelled from Spain, France, Portugal, the Netherlands, Poland and Iceland.
This seminar, as promised, marked a new beginning in my karate teaching. From now on, the content of my seminars—kihon, kata and oyo (applications) will expand. I decided to take this approach to thoroughly spread the knowledge, which was passed down to me here in Japan. Accordingly, it is now onward and upward!

For reports in Deutsch, please following the following links: Andrea Haeusler Sensei's report -

Also, by Stefan Lebelt Sensei -

To those who made this seminar happen and looked after me so well... I will conclude by offering my warmest thanks to Peter Lampe Sensei (5th Dan) and Birte; also Rainer and Christiane; the Halle Dojo Committee and members:; furthermore, all of the karateka who attended. Lastly, congratulations to Axel. Great karate and lots of nice times in and outside of the trainings.


The big question, which everyone is asking, is "When and where next year???" 

© André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2018).

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