Monday 30 May 2022

Keeping it real: DAN EXAMS

As you will know, I will finally be teaching outside Japan in mid July (Bavaria, Germany). There will also be an IKS (International Karate Shotokan) Dan Examination held on the Friday, prior to the weekend seminar.

For those who wish to apply, please contact me directly, via email:

IKS exams on average have a 60-80% fail rate, and very regularly a 90-100% fail rate. I am proud of this as I want examinees who pass 'to know that they really have passed (the Dan they are challenging)'. Also, I want those who do not pass to know exactly why they didn't. Challenging a grading and not passing is not a sad thing. What matters is "...the challenge and the exacting standards", not the outcome.

Without this mannerism, I believe that DAN means nothing. Often now, DAN actually means nothing. IKS Dan is old school Dan. That's why it is not popular in this current time. Again, I'm proud of that.

Greetings from Japan.

  © André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2022).

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