Friday 28 October 2022

'Ball and chain impact, then skewer'

In the last few days, I've been spending the majority of my time on Kihon. Generally speaking, the IKS Shodan Examination Kihon. Of particular focus in this regard is the configurations of an optimally functional zenkutsu-dachi, fumidashi and ren-geri (namely, the combination of 'mawashi-geri kara ushiro-geri kekomi' and 'yoko-keage kara yoko-kekomi').  My Kumite training is focused on uchiwaza utilizing deai; furthermore, the combining tsuki with uchi in one fluid action (the 'whip and spear' method). With minimal need to explain, this method is consistent with my rengeri practice: to recapitulate -- 'ball and chain impact, then skewer'.

Kata training over these past few days has focused on  鉄騎二段 (Tekki Nidan); also, 抜賽小 (Bassai Sho). These two kata work in perfectly with the aforementioned 'uses of the body' and 'attacking trajectories'. For the foundational review of uchiwaza I am also utilizing 順路三段  (Junro Sandan) to supplement the kihon portion of my training. Overall, the results are coming steadily, STEP BY STEP!

OSU! - AB.

  •  © André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2022).

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