Thursday 27 June 2024

青柳型 (Seiyu Kata) performed slowly on 'YouTube'

 Here I am performing the kata 青柳 SEIRYU slowly during my warm-up at training yesterday (June 26th, 2024). Therefore, the point of this video is not to impress but, rather, to show the correct actions.

As I've stated before, I am the only person who was ever taught this kata directly from Master Asai. This, and many other kata from him, are only taught in IKS; consequently, preserving these forms (and doing so correctly) is an important objective of my karate life.

青 SEI means 'Blue (Green)' in Japanese, whilst 柳 RYU means 'Willow'. This name can also be read as AOYAGI; however, even though sharing the same kanji, it is a different kata from Shito-Ryu. Asai Tetsuhiko Shuseki-Shihan, when teaching me this kata, said that it emulates the flexible branches of a tree. He stated, "Imagine a willow tree in a typhoon". Not coincidentally this kata is very similar to 風手 (Hushu), which means 'Wind Hands'. There are no keriwaza in this kata, only hand and arm techniques. Furthermore, all of the waza are swung in wide arcs with the exception of the ura-zuki. Some have learned this kata online as have removed the wide scale arcs. This, in fact, removes the entire bujutsu purpose of this kata, which is to swing the arms widely to generate speed and impact power. Accordingly, Seiryu especially develops 'shoulder snap'. As in standard Shotokan, this relaxed power still utilizes ground power, proper power generation from the hips and propulsion to move the center (and mass in general). In this way, Seiryu combines hard -- the torso, and soft - the shoulders. Asai Sensei stressed to use the arms like a whip; in sum, 'Muchiken-waza'. With practice, one should bring this snap, softness and speed into the standard Shotokan Kata; thereby, improving in classical skill. The Koten-gata introduced by Asai Sensei, were in his words 'clean canvases' to boost one's overall karate skill. In particular when one reaches their limit. The practice of Seiryu and the other additional kata introduced by Master Asai allow Shotokan karateka to go beyond their physical limits by harnessing natural energy. Another factor is that that these kata are not hard on the joints, which makes them excellent for those with injuries, or an advanced age. This literally allows 'Lifetime Budo' to be a reality, which was one of Asai Sensei's aims for his students. In our organization 国際空手道松濤館 (International Karate Shotokan) the Koten-gata are permitted for Dan Examinations from Nidan and above (in addition to the standard 26 Shotokan-Ryu Kata. However, none are compulsory. Thus, these additional kata also "...give karateka more options to personalize their own karate based on their individual characteristics, attributes, strengths and weaknesses, etcetera". This Karate 'Way" is based on karate as classical BUJUTSU.
One final word from Master Asai that I must share... He stated "In Seiryu, do not primarily aim for precise form, instead focus on maximum effectiveness". In other words, 'make the actions work; that is, Seiryu is literally a 'fighting kata', which is what all kata should be.

André Bertel
Oita City, Japan.

                                 © André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2024).

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