Saturday 22 June 2024

Some thoughts on Karate-Do (PART ONE)

One of the advantages of Karate is that it can be practiced anywhere, with or without a dogi, equipment and even a training partner.

Furthermore, it can be adapted according to age, health, fitness, strength and flexibility. These aspects make karate a physical and psychological activity that can universally practiced by anyone.

Here in between times in the dojo, during my lunchbreak, I did some extra self-practice behind Oita Eki (the main train station here in central Oita City).

Keep training! And if you haven't started already, don't procrastinate! Slowly, "step by step", build up! If you think about training, you will fail. So just go for it. Save the thinking for after training, in preparation for your next session and reap the benefits.



© André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2024).

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