"Dear Andre Sensei, the written content on your blog has been very useful for our training. Your blog is not only talk, as it is backed by the combination of photographs and video footage. It is the very best karate website on the Internet and your skill level truly reflects your in depth training under Shihan Asai. We hope that you continue to produce articles."
Such comments I receive every day, and I sincerely apprec
iate them. I'd like to thank everyone who has visited my dojo here in Oita-ken over the last three years, contacted me via email and other means, attended my classes or seminars (here in Japan, New Zealand, or in other countries, such as Germany and Italy, where I taught earlier this year), and also to those who have supported me over the last three decades of Shotokan karate training, in particular my long time students and colleagues in Christchurch City New Zealand, seniors, family and friends. Domo arigato gozaimashita!
Best wishes from Oita City, Japan.
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