Saturday 1 August 2020

Andre Bertel only 'partially trains in Japan'???

Recently I was messaged that someone was propagating online that "Andre Bertel only 'partially trains' in Japan"... Whatever that means? Well, its true that I have been (and trained in Japan), on and off, since 1993. However, I have been living, and training daily, here in Japan (non-stop) for over seven years now. In total, I guess "...I have practiced karate daily in this wonderful country for at least 15 years" in total since '93.

Of course, I don't need to defend this, as I am obviously here! However, it amazes me how childish some people are in the karate world. Furthermore, I feel it is unfair how some people wish to ERASE MY LIFE. 


Always remember in KarateTECHNIQUE AND SKILL TALK. If the quality is there, the quality students will come, irrespective of race, place or face.

I will KEEP TALKING WITH MY TECHNIQUE AND SKILL, and also OPENESS to those willing to learn.

Greetings from my dojo here in Oita City, Japan.

© André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2020).

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