Monday 22 March 2021

When Kihon and Kata are not for Kumite, they cease to be TRUE KARATE.

Practicing at the dojo today. STEP BY STEP!

 Today’s training was all kata; however, the focus was movement for effect/optimal application. I practiced and worked aspects of the following ten formal exercises, five of which are kihon-gata (foundational) and five ‘jokyu-gata’ (advanced).

The standard ‘Standard Shotokan’ I worked with today were: 平安初段 (Heian Shodan), 平安三段 (Heian Sandan), 二十四歩(Nijushiho), 
王冠 (Wankan) and 百八歩 (Hyakuhappo).

Warming up with Ushiromawashi-geri variations.

The ‘Asai-ha Shotokan-ryu kata I practiced were: 順路初段(Junro Shodan), 常行一勢 (Joko Issei), 脚戦  (Kyakusen), 騎馬拳 (Kibaken) and 水手 / 水の手 (Suishu/Mizu no te).


My focus was to optimize each kihonwaza; furthermore, how they link together to create the flow for effectiveness. Each kata has its only character/personality to fight with. This point is not only external but internalized. Especially in regards to sensing the opponents maai and ‘instinctively responding optimally’ according their cues.


Movement 55 of 騎馬拳 (Kibaken) kata at my daily dojo training today.

This point elucidates a key point in karate: Kihon is Kumite and Kata is Kumite: Jissen (REAL) Kumite. When Kihon and Kata are not for Kumite, they cease to be TRUE KARATE. 

© André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2021).

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