Wednesday 3 November 2021

An insight

 Usually I do not detail my additional/supplementary daily practices, however, I decided to do that today, here in the office. My reasoning was to show how simple my non-documented self-training often is. BASICS INSIDE BASICS.

基本 (KIHON)

From migi zenkutsu-dachi with hidari seiken chudan gyaku-zuki practice the following four renzoku-waza. 

1.  (a) Load migi gedan-barai in shomen; (b) Migi gedan-barai into hanmi; and (c) Hidari chudan gyaku-zuki.

2. Repeat ‘1’ on the opposite side.

3. (a) Load migi jodan age-uke in shomen; (b) Migi jodan age-uke into hanmi; and (c) Hidari chudan gyaku-zuki.

4. Repeat ‘3’ on the opposite side.

5. (a) Load migi chudan soto-uke in shomen; (b) Migi chudan soto-uke into hanmi; and (c) Hidari chudan gyaku-zuki.

6. Repeat ‘5’ on the opposite side.

7. (a) Load migi chudan uchi-uke in shomen; (b) Migi chudan uchi-uke into hanmi; and (c) Hidari chudan gyaku-zuki.

8. Repeat ‘7’ on the opposite side.

 For these eight ren waza the focus is hand/waist timing; namely, connectivity and harmony of the johanshin and kahanshin to achieve kime (in each uke and tsuki). Very basic and not  directly practical, yet imperative for maximum power via koshi no kaiten. This practice came directly from Osaka Yoshiharu Sensei.

Assume heisoku-dachi loading migi shuto chudan-uke:

9. Step back into hidari kokutsu-dachi with migi shuto uke then return to heisoku-dachi loading hidari shuto-uke then step back into migi kokutsu-dachi with hidari shuto-uke. Repeat this alternately focusing on remaining shomen until the last moment each time to perfectly at koshi no kaiten with the completion of the tachikata and each ukewaza. Again, very simple yet critical practice to achieve maximum power in the fundamentals.

 This training perfectly relates to the previous practice with the exception of the ukewaza and tachikata.




10. 平安初段 (Heian Shodan):

Apply the previous fundamentals in Heian Shodan Kata; namely, timing of koshi no kaiten: (1) In and out with the hips in first movement using the guide hand to help; (2) In the third movement slide the right guide hand close to the body and decisively to get a full turn of the hips with turning 180 degrees; (3) Use the hips, by reserving rotation into hanmi, for kentsui tatemawashi uchi also;  (4) Keep the heel of the pillar leg planted and, for moving leg—use tsumasaki; therefore, when rotating into hanmi transfer the weight, rotate, and make jodan age-uke at the last moment; (5) Likewise, use the same transfer into shomen with the three oizuki advancing urashomen, however, make sure to conclusively vibrate the rear hip inward towards the pelvic girdle; lastly (6) When moving into kokutsu dachi with shuto uke squeeze the legs to compress and set the foot positions; moreover, make sure hands precede the stance, which is paramount for effective application.

11. 抜塞小: (Bassai Sho):

I will detail this I my next post, with some supplementary points.



12. 基本一本組手 (Kihon Ippon Kumite)

  • Attacks: Jodan, Chudan, Maegeri, Yokokekomi, Mawashigeri.
  • Defense and counterattacks: Jiyuwaza (Free/Random) -- Asai Tetsuhiko Sensei 'reflexive style'.

13. In relation to kumite I also blasted through all five of the Junro Kata, with special focus on Junro 
      Shodan in relation to the points practiced earlier in Heian Shodan and in correspondence with my 
      Kihon Ippon training. In particular, my focus 'attack timing'. In sum, Junro kata are 'kumite 
      exercises and kihon more than kata. If one has this understanding and puts this into practice, they 
      have great value: otherwise, no value, just movement. For most people, this is the case.

© André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2021).

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