Thursday 30 December 2021

Kanku Dai (Part Two): A summary and some important points

 Following up from my last article here is a technical summary of Kanku Dai Kata. The numbers convey the correct command count, which is optimally for perfecting ‘kime’ in every waza. This is especially notable in renzokuwaza (combination techniques) and, in particular, in the first movement of sequences. All too common, in sports karate, this action is weak and ineffective. This is because the aim is to artificially make more rapid actions in order to appear more explosive/dramatic. This type of movement must be avoided at all costs for those seeking budo karate as it not only has no meaning, but also provides an obvious gap in one’s defense.

Kata are not ‘for making bad habits’, so each waza must be maximumly effective. Every time the aim is ICHIGEKI-HISSATSU, which is the only way one can seek optimization in every action. While there is a literal meaning in this, more importantly, the relentless chasing of this technical ambition is what drives the budo karateka forward in their development/refinement of technique, physicality, mentality and heart.


Finally I’d like to mention ‘variations of kata’ between different organizations, dojo (plural) and individuals. Obviously, this is not only for Kanku Dai, but all kata and karate waza. One thing you will easily notice is the Kanku Dai of JKA is different from SKIF, likewise the JKS version is different from both of these groups. I could go on; however, I think it is fair to say that there are subtle—and sometimes not so subtle—differences between individuals, clubs, groups etc...


Hey you! Your shuto uke is too extended!!! That’s wrong! So and so Sensei in Japan said ‘this is correct’. This type of thing is OK when we are talking about beginners and intermediate level karateka. At these stages one needs strict guidelines to acquire a line of reference. But the individual must grow and moderate themselves—to literally optimize themselves as budoka—from the standardized versions.


I personally respect ALL VARIATIONS as long as they are pragmatic in application and avoid superfluous actions. As an instructor, I teach the way I was taught; however, I avoid correcting variations which are equally effective. In saying that, I will teach my way if karateka are interested. When this occurs, I recommend that they experiment and find the best way for themselves. I could never say to someone that Kanazawa Hirokazu Sensei’s version of any kata is wrong, likewise Yahara Mikio Sensei et al. I have deep respect for all of these groups and variations, which are steeped in budo karate.


That is why, in a grading, if one presents a rendition of a kata—which is different from mine—if it is correct in the budo sense and of the appropriate level for the respective grade, I cannot fail them. To do so would be folly; moreover, representative of the commercial monopoly which, so often, organized karate is.   


Rather with our necks tilted, eyes and minds looking at the ground, we should be LOOKING AT THE SKY. On that note, here is Kanku Dai generically summarized.




REI (Musubi dachi).


YOI (Hachiji dachi)—Ryo te kafukubu mae.


  1. Ryo te hitai mae ue (Hachij dachi).


  1. Ryo te kafukubu mae (Hachiji dachi).


  1. Hidari haiwan Hidari sokumen jodan uke, usho mune mae kamae (Migi kokutsu dachi).


  1. Migi haiwan migi sokumen jodan uke, sasho mune mae kamae (Hidari kokutsu dachi).


  1. Hidari tate shuto chudan uke, uken migi koshi (Hachiji dachi).


  1. Uken chudan choku zuki, saken Hidari koshi (Hachiji dachi).


  1. Migi chudan uchi uke (Hidari hiza kutsu).


  1. Saken chudan choku zuki, uken migi koshi (Hachiji dachi).


  1. Hidari chudan uchi uke (Migi hiza kutsu).


  1. Ryo ken hidari koshi kamae (Okuri bashi kara hidari ashi dachi).


  1. Migi sokuto yoko geri keage doji ni migi uraken jodan yokomawashi uchi  (Hidari ashi dachi).
  2. Hidari shuto chudan uke (Migi kokutsu dachi).


  1. Migi shuto chudan uke (Hidari kokutsu dachi).


  1. Hidari shuto chudan uke (Migi kokutsu dachi).


  1. Sasho chudan osae uke doji ni migi chudan tateshihon nukite (Migi zenkutsu dachi)—KIAI!


  1. Hidari shuto koho gedan barai kara sasho jodan uke soshite migi shuto jodan sotomawashi uchi (Hidari shokutsu dachi, gyaku hanmi).


  1. Migi jodan mae geri keage (Hidari ashi dachi).


  1. Migi sokumen jodan uchi uke doji ni hidari sokumen gedan barai (Migi kokutsu-dachi).


  1. Sasho jodan nagashi uke doji ni migi shuto gedan uchikomi (Hidari ashi zenkutsu).


  1. Saken gedan, uken migi koshi (Hidari ashi mae renoji dachi).


  1. Sasho jodan uke doji ni migi shuto jodan sotomawashi uchi (Hidari shokutsu dachi, gyaku hanmi).


  1. Migi jodan mae geri keage (Hidari ashi dachi).


  1. Migi sokumen jodan uchi uke doji ni hidari sokumen gedan barai (Migi kokutsu-dachi).


  1. Sasho jodan nagashi uke doji ni migi shuto gedan uchikomi (Hidari ashi zenkutsu).


  1. Saken gedan, uken migi koshi (Hidari ashi mae renoji dachi).


  1. Ryo ken migi koshi kamae (Migi ashi dachi).


  1. Hidari sokuto yoko geri keage doji ni hidari uraken jodan yokomawashi uchi  (Migi ashi dachi).
  2. Sasho ni migi chudan mae enpi uchi, usho hidari hiji ate (Hidari zenkutsu dachi).


  1. Ryo ken hidari koshi kamae (Hidari sagi ashi dachi).


  1. Migi sokuto yoko geri keage doji ni migi uraken jodan yokomawashi uchi (Hidari sagi ashi dachi).
  2. Usho ni hidari chudan mae enpi uchi, sasho migi hiji ate (Migi zenkutsu dachi).


  1. Hidari shuto chudan uke (Migi kokutsu dachi).


  1. Migi shuto chudan uke (Hidari kokutsu dachi).


  1. Migi shuto chudan uke (Hidari kokutsu dachi).


  1. Hidari shuto chudan uke (Migi kokutsu dachi).


  1. Hidari shuto koho gedan barai kara sasho jodan uke soshite migi shuto jodan sotomawashi uchi (Hidari shokutsu dachi, gyaku hanmi).


  1. Migi jodan mae geri keage (Hidari ashi dachi).


  1. Migi uraken tatemawashi uchi, saken Hidari koshi (Migi ashi mae kosa dachi).


  1. Migi chudan uchi uke (Migi zenkutsu dachi).


  1. Hidari chudan gyaku zuki (Migi zenkutsu dachi).


  1. Uken chudan maete zuki (Migi zenkutsu dachi).


  1. Sasho soede migi jodan ura zuki doji ni migi hiza zuchi (Hidari ashi dachi).


  1. Ude tate (Migi ashi zenkutsu).


  1. Hidari shuto gedan uke, migi shuto mune mae kamae (Migi kokutsu dachi).

Kase Taiji Sensei executing movement 44 of Kanku Dai: the extended kokutsu-dachi.

  1. Migi shuto chudan uke (Hidari kokutsu dachi).


  1. Hidari chudan uchi uke (Hidari zenkutsu dachi).


  1. Migi chudan gyaku zuki (Hidari zenkutsu dachi).


  1. Migi chudan uchi uke (Migi zenkutsu dachi).


  1. Hidari chudan gyaku zuki (Migi zenkutsu dachi).


  1. Uken chudan maete zuki (Migi zenkutsu dachi).


  1. Ryo ken hidari koshi kamae (Hidari ashi dachi).


  1. Migi sokuto yoko geri keage doji ni migi uraken jodan yokomawashi uchi  (Hidari ashi dachi).
  2. Hidari shuto chudan uke (Migi kokutsu dachi).


  1. Sasho chudan osae uke doji ni migi chudan tateshihon nukite (Migi zenkutsu dachi).


  1. Hidari uraken Hidari sokumen jodan tatemawashi uchi, uken migi koshi (Kiba dachi).


  1. Hidari kentsui chudan yokomawashi uchi (Hidari e yori ashi, Kiba dachi).


  1. Hidari sokumen migi chudan mae enpi uchi, sasho migi hiji ate (Kiba dachi).


  1. Ryo ken Hidari koshi kamae (Kiba dachi).


  1. Migi sokumen gedan barai (Kiba dachi).


  1. Hidari zenwan gedan uke doji ni uken furi age (Fumikomi, Kiba dachi).


  1. Uken otoshi zuki (Kiba dachi).


  1. Kaisho jodan kosa uke (Hachiji dachi).


  1. (Migi ashi jiku migi mawari kara Migi zenkutsu dachi).


  1. Ryoken mune mae (Migi zenkutsu dachi).


  1. Nidan geri kara migi uraken jodan tatemwashi uchi, saken Hidari koshi (Migi zenkutsu dachi)—KIAI!

Asai Sensei executing the first of the two kicks in Nidan-geri: the 65th count of Kanku Dai.

NAORE—Migi zenwan migi sokumen sukui kara ryo ken daitai mae (Hachiji dachi).

REI (Musubi dachi).


© André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2021).

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