Here’s my updated self-training program for the last week of 2021 and will continue through until the end of January 2022. I hope this finds everyone in great spirits, training both hard and smart, and also enjoying the final moments of this year. If you’d like to supplement this, boost some motivation and motivate me to upload more videso, please subscribe to my YouTube channel. Here's a direct link: ANDRE BERTEL - YouTube. OK, so on to the regime.
1. Sanbon-zuki—all
three tsukiwaza jodan (Shizentai).
2. Hidari
kizami-zuki kara migi jodan gyaku-zuki (Hidari zenkutsu-dachi). Do not use muscular power, focus on relaxation and the actions/kinetic chain of the joints to achieve snap.
3. Migi
kizami-zuki kara hidari jodan gyaku-zuki (Migi zenkutsu-dachi).
4. Sonkyo no
jodan mae-geri keage. Control the center with ground power and interconnective flexbility.
5. Migi
chudan mae-geri keage kara migi jodan mae-geri keage soshite migi jodan
mae-geri kekomi. For this waza execute the second keage without flooring the
first waza. After jodan mae-keage return to zenkutsu-dachi, then drive kekomi
out and back to your original stance (Hidari zenkutsu-dachi). Asai Sensei loved this drill and it is hard work. Seek to be in a natural state even after many reps to maximize the benefits.
6. Hidari
chudan mae-geri keage kara hidari jodan mae-geri keage soshite hidari jodan
mae-geri kekomi (Migi zenkutsu-dachi).
7. Sanbon-zuki—all
three tsukiwaza jodan: jodan oi-zuki kara jodan gyaku-zuki soshite jodan
maete-zuki (Zenkutsu-dachi).
8. Sanbon-geri—advance
stepping with two Chudan mae-geri keage; then execute a third mae-geri keage on
the spot, and step back into your stance (Zenkutsu-dachi).
9. Yoko-keage
ashi o kaete yoko-kekomi (Kiba-dachi). Emphasis on pelvic alignment and tilt; furthermore, ankle flexion, compression and expansion of the sasae-ashi, and natural energy.
10. Ren-geri:
Chudan mae-geri keage kara yoko-kekomi, mawashi-geri soshite ushiro-geri kekomi (Zenkutsu-dachi). Special note for ushiro-geri in application. Utilization of a precisely set jiku-ashi is essential in lining up a the opponent based on their movement, maai and your shikake-waza (set up techniques); hence, in kihon, while sticking to the most direct technique "...always remember this merely the reference point for optimal technical deviations in any given moment". Needless to say, all techniques need this instantaneous adaptability in any freestyle context. Without this, one's karate is nothing more than mere movement.
11. Jodan
age-uke kara chudan soto-uke, gedan-barai soshite chudan gyaku-zuki
(Zenkutsu-dachi). All three uke with the same time. Ensure full hip action is maximized each time.
12. Chudan
shuto-uke (Kokutsu-dachi) kara chudan kizami mae-geri soshite nukite
(Zenkutsu-dachi). Be careful with weight distribution, also ensure that the keriwaza has the body weight going forward. Simple stuff yet hard work with high intensity and repetitions.
13. Gedan-barai
(Zenkutsu-dachi) kara chudanuchi-uke (Nekoashi-dachi), jodan ura-zuki soshite
chudan gyaku-zuki (Zenkutsu-dachi). Often this renzokuwaza is practiced with yori-ashi/yose-ashi on the gyaku-zuki; however, I follow Asai Sensei's teaching in which he emphasized that you slide forward with ura-zuki flowing into gyaku-zuki.
14. Bag-work:
tewaza only (tsuki/uchi)—three three minute rounds.
15. Bag-work:
tewaza and keriwaza—one five minute round.
A. Jiyu
Ippon Kumite: standard attacks, direct defenses and basic counters.
B. Jiyu
Ippon Kumite: standard attacks and the use of taisabaki followed by free choice
counterattacks. After countering utilize taisabaki again to change position
with zanshin. If you’d like to see an example of this, check out this video
taken by my student Matt Brew in Hawaii (2003):
C. Jiyu
Ippon Kumite: as previous but with any random single attack (not announced).
In all three of these ‘variations’ of jiyu ippon kumite
there are some important rules. Firstly, if the defender runs away the attacker
can attack again. Secondly, kenseiwaza (feinting techniques are permitted).
Thirdly, if the attacker puts themselves into danger, by cramming the defender
too much—this is actually mubobi, the defender can simply preemptively attack.
Fourthly, and very importantly, if the attacker does not attack from a
distance—which makes each respective waza optimally effective—the training is
pointless; in fact, ‘bad for both the attacker and defenders karate’. And
fifthly, and lastly, the defender must immediately counter from where they are
‘with the best waza for that moment (distance, angle, trajectory in relation to
their opponent). This is the point of this training!
I. Random 平安 (Heian).
II. Random 順路 (Junro).
III. Random 鉄騎 (Tekki) or 騎馬拳 (Kibaken).
IV. Random 常行
V. One from
the official IKS kata: 松濤館流
(Shotokan Ryu) or 古典型 /浅井派松濤館流 (Kogen-gata / Asai-Ha Shotokan Ryu).
My point in this training is relating the foundational
techniques to the various kata I practice each day: basically to recapitulate
my entire years practice. Furthermore, this wide variety of kata is to wrap up
on a high note in preparation in preparation for 2022.
© André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2021).
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