Jiyu Ippon Kumite under the direction of Asai Tetsuhiko Sensei. |
(Jiyu Ippon Kumite) is often translated as ‘Semi-free sparring’; however, it is
probably better described as ‘free one-step sparring’. Unlike Kihon Ippon
Kumite both karateka are in a freestyle stance with a ‘kamae’, furthermore,
move around freely like in Jiyu Kumite.
In sum, from these positions, it involves single attacks by
a designated attacker and a free defense and counterattack by the designated
defender. Another difference from Kihon Ippon Kumite is that ‘instead of
leaving the counter thrusts extended, after countering the defender immediately
returns to their en-guard position’. After the completion of several sequences,
the roles of attacker and defender are reversed.
At a basic level, the attacks are prearranged and announced
before being launches; however, during matured practice of jiyu ippon kumite
(in daily training), each of the single attacks can be any waza. The only rule
is that the attack is launched from an exact position optimal for its
effectiveness. Kenseiwaza (feints) are also permitted but if perceived as
‘mubobi’, the defender can preemptively attack the attacker.
The defender can utilize tai-sabaki, deai, tenshin and so
on; however, high level practitioners must deliver ‘the best waza from where
they, following or simultaneously with their defense’. That is, after say
executing an ukewaza, one must change their position, this is too late.
Accordingly, the karateka must immediately and reactively execute the optimal
waza in that very moment. This skill is critical in this drill.
One major error is where the defender keeps running away, so
that the attacker is unable to begin the drill. Here in Japan that’s a ‘no-no’
and, in serious dojo (plural) one will eventually be chartered with a barrage
of attacks. I should add here that this coincides with the attacker doing
‘mubobi’. Both in attack and defense one must respect their training partner,
have courage and kihaku (fighting spirit).
The ‘standard set’ of attacks are as follows:
1. 上段 (Jodan): 上段追い突き (Jodan oi-zuki).
Target the jinchu with seiken. The maai is to reach between
two inches and midway through the skull. A deeper thrust is preferable, but not
at the expense of losing acceleration and engaging in mubobi.
2. 中段 (Chudan): 中段追い突き(Chudan
Target the suigetsu with seiken. The maai is to reach the
rear of the spinal column.
3. 前蹴り(Mae-geri): 中段前蹴り蹴上げ (Chudan mae-geri
Target the suigetsu or myojo with josokutei/koshi. The maai
is to reach the rear of the spinal column.
4. 横蹴込み (Yoko-kekomi): 中段横蹴り蹴込み (Chudan yoko-geri
Target the suigetsu or myojo with sokuto. The maai is to
reach the rear of the spinal column. Please note — Never land passively after
this waza; that is, after hiki-ashi land in zenkutsu-dachi as opposed
5. 回し蹴り(Mawashi-geri): 中段または上段回し蹴り(Chudan or Jodan
Target the opposite side of the head or torso. Make sure your maai is close enough. Many people make
their mawashi-geri out of distance to deliver a full contact waza. Note — when
calling the attack announce “chudan mawashi-geri” or “jodan mawashi-geri”
depending on the waza you are executing.
6. 後ろ蹴り (Ushiro-kekomi): 中段後ろ蹴り蹴込み (Chudan
ushiro-geri kekomi).
Target the suigetsu with kakato. The maai is to reach the
rear of the spinal column.
Supplementary Notes —
a. Asai
Tetsuhiko Sensei taught me that after countering I should use tenshin every
time to escape and/or position myself optimally for any follow up action. He
also stressed this is important training when dealing with more than one
opponent (to essentially use people as body shields. Positioning yourself
correctly in such situations can largely mitigate the advantage that more than
one opponent has.
b. In any
case, high level Jiyu Ippon Kumite counters must be “…exactly the same as when
you want to make full-contact on the sandbag or break a thick board or roof
tile”. Hence, (a) the maai must be exact to do this for optimal target
penetration; (b) the lower body and hips must be fully engaged; (c) the speed
and power maximum; (d) the weapon of the body and corresponding target optimal;
(e) fighting spirit —yet, “calm, reactive and aware”; (f) the target is
reached, but the attacking limb is stopped. What this means is that “your
control is to either hit with full power, or not”. To reiterate, if the
technique is incapable of working (hitting the
target with absolute maximum force), the technique is wrong.
c. Take
note when forming your 自由立ち
(Jiyu-dachi). Unless feinting/drawing the opponents attack, always contract
your stance by bringing the rear forward. In this way you can immediately
attack. Pulling back the front foot against a strong opponent—who is focused on
finishing you—provides them with an opening.
d. Also take
note of the 自由な構え
(Jiyu na kamae). The ‘general position’ has your lead fist or open hand
pointing at the opponents jinchu with the rear arms elbow resting on the torso
in front of the ribs. The direction of the fist is variable, but usually aimed
at a chudan or jodan target. Extend the front arm but keep enough bend to
directly attack from this position. This greatly depends on arm length,
however, the bend should be no greater than 90 degrees and no less than 45
degrees. In regards to the position of the hips, I personally prefer being
closer to shomen, as this allows fully body power with both hands, and more
natural defense. I teach ‘using hanmi’ in offensive, defensive and evasive
e. Fix the
eyes. Asai Sensei watched the opponents throat as opposed to their eyes. So I
followed this. It is great because you can easily see all four limbs of the
opponent and, at least for me, allows me to also have better peripheral
awareness. When I worked in security and entered physical conflicts, I found
that this worked extremely well, especially in regards to instinctive fear. All
of the verbal abuse and attempts to intimidate me with fierce eyes had no
affect. I simply ‘went in’. Practice this in jiyu ippon kumite and make it your
habit. It works in real fights.
f. Jiyu
Ippon Kumite is required for the shodan examination. To pass you need to really
try to hit your opponent when attacking. Conversely, when defending your
counter must be full-power but arrested (as noted above). At ikkyu (1st Kyu)
and above, if your defense fails you will be hit extremely hard by your opponent. If this is not the
case, it is not proper jiyu ippon kumite. If so, the karateka is/are not ready for jiyu ippon
kumite and should return to kihon ippon kumite to build up accordingly. This is
the original way of Yakusoku Kumite practice that is really followed now. Asai
Sensei told me to preserve this ‘way’.
g. For brief
moments the point of kime is classical kihon between fluxes of freestyle. If
one can replicate this and the underlying principles in Jiyu Kumite, their free
fighting will be very strong.
In sum, Jiyu Ippon Kumite links kihon, kata and
kumite with the objective of mastering kime in all actions. Underpinning this
is “…constant goal of seeking ‘ichigeki-hisatsu”; thereby, maximizing one’s
karate potential.
© Andre Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2023).