Monday 21 August 2023


Shodan is granted to those who have acquired the basic techniques of karate and can use them.



Nidan is granted to those who have acquired the basic techniques of karate and can use them. In addition to this, they can effectively engage in freestyle (jiyu) kumite.



Sandan is granted to those who are devoted to mental training in completing one’s character, have realized the general techniques of karate, understand the principles, and are able to deliver these waza without difficulty.



Yondan is granted to those who are devoted to mental training in completing one’s character, possesses leadership qualities, has realized the general techniques of karate, understands the principles, and are able to deliver these techniques and their adaptions without difficulty.



Godan is granted to those who are devoted to completing one’s character, are exemplary to students and juniors in everyday life. They show high level karate techniques as well as research, and original skills.



Rokudan is granted to those who devote their lives to karate training, and mentally and physically reached a high level.



Nanadan is granted to those who devote their lives to karate training, and mentally and physically matured at the highest level.



Hachidan is granted to those who devote their lives to karate training, and mentally and physically reached an elite level that is utterly unique. This is the ultimate technical level of Karate-Do.

 © André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2023).

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